Amatören prints, drawings, text, video (2020 ongoing)

Refused discarded drawings (2022)

Gruppens Bildspel presentation och video (2019)

Masmo video (2018)

Findings documentation (2018)

Mormors sybehör fotografier (2017)
knitty-gritty video essay (2015)

I don't remember this.
This happened. photographs (2018)

Övningar i manligt beteende video (2016)

Executive Floor digital photographs (2012)
Stilleben digital photographs (2013-2017)

Kata video (2012)

Quilted olicloth sculpture (2017)

Crafted Memory - Arrival video (2002)

star stir str st ir stop motion (2015)
Forest video (2013)
Feuilleton text installation (2007)

Hills drawings and silk screen prints on paper (2023)

Alex vill åka till IKEA efteråt är han förlorad installation (2019 ongoing)

Stock Water video (2019)

Granulat research project (2015-ongoing)

Ärad vare Gud i höjden installation

Precious video (2018)

Kvinnan utan egenskaper kortfilm (2009)

Untitled kortfilm (2007)

Objets petits still lives and objects (2015)

Afterimages (biased by loss) stop motion (2015)

Pussytiv Animations stop motion (2015)

Duets digital photographs (2011)

Office digital photographs (2014-2015)

Karaktär / Dialog installaion (2007)

Dear Dr Frankenstein drawings and digital photographs (2005)

115 dagar ur minnet text installation (2007)

Rensa reserach project (2024 ongoing)

Kopior / Copies (2024)

A perfect day for a bonfire video (2021)

Time spent video (2019 ongoing)

Like a Flower photographs (2016)
Hur män rör sig på film video research
(2018 ongoing)

Like fungus photographs (2017)

Pink Wraps video (2016)

Woman Demonstrating kortfilm (1999 / 2019)

Time Units knitted pieces (2003-ongoing)

Hometown Part Two website (2004-2005)

Yrke: Modell video (2018 ongoing)

Modellfabriken video (2011)

Nihon Archives
book (2006-2016)

Rum video (2007)

Mellanrum video (2007)
Art Internship research and performance

The French/Ma Fleur digital drawings (2010)